Kansas State University


IT News

Category: Communications

iSIS Help demystifies common processes for campus

The recently redesigned and updated iSIS Help has been one of K-State’s best-kept secrets — but word is starting to get out. Students, faculty, and staff are now discovering the hidden gems contained in iSIS Help, which provides step-by-step instructions for common processes. Continue reading “iSIS Help demystifies common processes for campus”

“Processing Minors” training available Friday, April 19

A “Processing Minors ” training session is now available for K-State employees who approve minors for graduation.  Registration for the training is done through HRIS Self Service.

One training session is available 10:30 a.m. Friday, April 19, in Fairchild 9. Continue reading ““Processing Minors” training available Friday, April 19″

“Grading in iSIS” sessions available April and May

“Grading in iSIS” training sessions are now available for K-State employees who enter student grades. Registration for the training is done through HRIS Self Service. Four training sessions will be offered between April 30 and May 9. All sessions are in Fairchild 9. Continue reading ““Grading in iSIS” sessions available April and May”

Sign-up for e-newsletter training on April 9

By Communications and Marketing

Sign up for the next e-newsletter training at 10 a.m. Tuesday, April 9, by contacting Kimberly Baccus at kbaccus@k-state.edu.

To help colleges, departments and units communicate with alumni, friends and other audiences, e-newsletter templates have been developed. The templates and training sessions are especially targeted to those without a current communication piece, but any K-State faculty or staff are welcome to participate.

For more information, please contact Baccus in the Division of Communications and Marketing at kbaccus@k-state.edu or 785-532-2535.

(Editor’s note: Reprinted from K-State Today’s article published April 2, 2013.)

New calendar event form allows faster posts to university calendars

New calendar-event form for K-Staters to submit events
The new calendar submission form requires a K-State eID/password to access the fill-in-the-blanks process.

A new, time-saving feature quietly arrived on the University calendars pages last year. In the left sidebar, it says: “To add an event, please submit the Calendar Event Request Form.” The form is a much easier, fill-in-the-blank way to request an event be added to the university calendar and the K-State homepage calendar.

A K-State eID/password is required to access the form, to ensure only K-Staters are posting events.

As usual, events should be submitted at least two business days in advance to be sure they get posted in time.

Events can still be submitted via email to calendar@k-state.edu, which may be better when multiple events need to be posted.  Be sure to include all the event details listed on the Calendar Event Request Form page.

Finkeldei to present on Campus Pack at ITL Conference March 4-5

(Editor’s note:  This is the third in a series about faculty demonstrations scheduled for the Innovations in Teaching and Learning Conference March 4-5 at K-State. See the conference schedule and details at theitl.org.)

In the age of social media, there are a range of tools that enable the social element in online learning.  A new tool has been integrated into K-State Online to enable wikis and blogs.

Scott FinkeldeiScott Finkeldei, associate director of mediated education, spoke about the newly integrated Campus Pack tool that enables the uses of wikis and blogs in K-State Online. He will be holding a workshop on this tool  1:30-2:30 Monday, March 4, at the Union Big 12 Room as part of the Innovations in Teaching and Learning Conference.

Continue reading “Finkeldei to present on Campus Pack at ITL Conference March 4-5”

Ricketts to cover illustration of educational concepts with simple technologies at ITL Conference March 4–5

(Editor’s note:  This is the first in a series about faculty demonstrations scheduled for the Innovations in Teaching and Learning Conference March 4-5 at K-State. See the conference schedule and details at theitl.org.)  

Mitch Ricketts, a graduate K-State faculty member and administrator, will present “Illustrating Educational Concepts: How to Create Custom Drawings, Animations, and Videos Using Simple Technology” at the Innovations in Teaching and Learning (ITL) conference 1:30-2:30 p.m. Monday, March 4, in the Union Flint Hills Room. Many educational concepts are easier to understand when illustrated with vivid examples. He will explore methods for creating visual instructional materials using simple tools such as PowerPoint, basic photographic equipment, and free software. Bring a laptop, if you wish, and try the techniques as they are discussed.  Continue reading “Ricketts to cover illustration of educational concepts with simple technologies at ITL Conference March 4–5”

Video conferencing tool Zoom available for testing

Video Conferencing Services is currently testing Zoom (zoom.us), a simple-to-use video conferencing tool that provides HD quality audio and video for up to 25 simultaneous PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone, and/or Android device connections. Zoom features include screen sharing from PC, Mac, iPad, and iPhone users; recording and playback of meetings; host control of participants; and instant messaging in meetings.

Zoom will be at the ITL conference March 4-5 in the K-State Student Union. A workshop is scheduled Monday afternoon, and a demonstration booth will be at the showcase Tuesday.  Continue reading “Video conferencing tool Zoom available for testing”

Smart watches: Upcoming trend or dying fad?

Ever since James Bond demonstrated his high-tech multi-use watch specially made for him, kids and adults have dreamed of such a powerful device that could be disguised as a wrist watch. This dream device is sadly not yet a reality, but there are many companies who have attempted to manufacture different forms of “Smart Watches”.  Continue reading “Smart watches: Upcoming trend or dying fad?”

“Missing Manual” author David Pogue to speak at ITL conference March 5

David PogueDavid Pogue, well-known author and co-author of the Missing Manual series of technology books, will be the keynote speaker at the Innovations in Teaching and Learning Conference (theITL.org) 8:45-10:15 a.m. Tuesday, March 5, in the K-State Student Union.

K-State faculty/staff are encouraged to register for this free conference as soon as possible to reserve a place.  Continue reading ““Missing Manual” author David Pogue to speak at ITL conference March 5″