With the impending move of central campus email from Zimbra to Office 365, one suggestion has been to clear out as much email as possible before the move. These tips from IT staff can help identify and clean out larger amounts of email in a shorter time. Continue reading “IT staff tips for cleaning out your email”
Category: Data management
IT research tools and services at K-State
K-Staters who need to do some research will want to know about these services supported by either wholly or in part by Information Technology Services. Continue reading “IT research tools and services at K-State”
Qualtrics survey tool now available for faculty and staff
Faculty and staff have a new survey tool at their disposal available through Information Technology Services. Qualtrics is a comprehensive survey tool with more than 90 question types, simplified reporting tools, online training modules, a library of surveys to peruse and so much more.
Faculty and staff can begin using Qualtrics immediately by visiting survey.ksu.edu. Graduate students will need to ask their major professor or supervisor to request access by completing the service request form online. Continue reading “Qualtrics survey tool now available for faculty and staff”
K-State faculty invited to develop open or alternative textbooks
By Donna Ekart
The K-State Student Governing Association and K-State Libraries are announcing the Open/Alternative Textbook Initiative for Kansas State University. Recently funded through Student Centered Tuition Enhancements with a supplemental allocation provided by K-State Libraries, the initiative offers awards to K-State faculty working individually or collaboratively to deliver open or alternative textbooks in their courses. $60,000 is available for multiple awards of $1,000-$5,000 each. Continue reading “K-State faculty invited to develop open or alternative textbooks”
Researchers, please read: Office of Science and Technology Policy presidential directive
By Mary Lou Marino
The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy issued an email and memorandum last week in response to the more than 65,000 individuals and organizations that responded to or signed a petition to require free access over the Internet to scientific journal articles arising from taxpayer-funded research. The new directive applies to federal agencies that spend more than $100 million per year on research and development and requires each agency to create a plan for the free, public access to federally funded research within 12 months of publication.
The directive specifically addresses public access to peer-reviewed articles and scientific data. K-State researchers who receive funding from USDA, Department of Defense, Department of Energy, Homeland Security, Food and Drug Administration, NASA, National Endowment for the Humanities, National Science Foundation, National Institutes of Health, U. S. Department of Health and Human Services, Environmental Protection Agency and 14 other agencies are affected by this directive. Agencies have six months to submit draft plans; implementation will take place once final plans are in place. Continue reading “Researchers, please read: Office of Science and Technology Policy presidential directive”
Ricketts to cover illustration of educational concepts with simple technologies at ITL Conference March 4–5
(Editor’s note: This is the first in a series about faculty demonstrations scheduled for the Innovations in Teaching and Learning Conference March 4-5 at K-State. See the conference schedule and details at theitl.org.)
Mitch Ricketts, a graduate K-State faculty member and administrator, will present “Illustrating Educational Concepts: How to Create Custom Drawings, Animations, and Videos Using Simple Technology” at the Innovations in Teaching and Learning (ITL) conference 1:30-2:30 p.m. Monday, March 4, in the Union Flint Hills Room. Many educational concepts are easier to understand when illustrated with vivid examples. He will explore methods for creating visual instructional materials using simple tools such as PowerPoint, basic photographic equipment, and free software. Bring a laptop, if you wish, and try the techniques as they are discussed. Continue reading “Ricketts to cover illustration of educational concepts with simple technologies at ITL Conference March 4–5”
Grad students: Don’t miss ETDR overviews on Feb. 20, March 7
The Graduate School and the Information Technology Assistance Center are offering two overviews of the electronic theses, dissertations, and reports program (ETDR) on these dates:
- Wednesday, Feb. 20, 2:30 p.m. Town Hall, Leadership Studies Building
- Thursday, March 7, 2 p.m. Union 206
No registration is required. These sessions are open to all graduate students. Those planning to begin writing their thesis, dissertation, or report should definitely attend. The overview will:
- Review Graduate School requirements
- Offer tips for writing your paper in Word
- Review copyright issues
- Illustrate the ETDR submission process
Qualtrics webinar Friday, Feb. 8, for online data collection and surveys
A third Qualtrics webinar has been scheduled for K-State faculty, staff, and students who want to learn about this popular, online data collection tool used for surveys, forms, dissertations, assessments, reporting, etc. The webinar will be 9 a.m. Friday, Feb. 8, in Hale 301.
“Qualtrics makes sophisticated research simple,” says the company website. “Our company is a worldwide leader in enterprise data collection and analysis. Founded in 2002, Qualtrics has more than 4,500 customers including 1,300 universities worldwide. Companies use Qualtrics solutions for a wide range of market, customer, and employee research.”
More information about Qualtrics is available at www.qualtrics.com. Questions about the webinar can be sent to Rebecca Gould, ragou@k-state.edu, 785-532-2298.
Password managers can help remember all your passwords
A recent post on the K-State IT Help Desk’s Facebook page noted that a “password manager” can help store and access multiple passwords. According to Wikipedia, “A password manager is software that helps a user organize passwords and PIN codes.”
Can’t remember all your passwords? Us either. A password manager might help:
For more IT news, tips, and events, read the IT News blog at blogs.k-state.edu/it-news.
eID password change starts Jan. 1; new feature allows password recovery via text message
Long-term use of the same password is a known security risk, which is why K-State requires all K-State eID passwords to be changed every spring and fall semester. For the Spring 2013 semester, Jan. 1-Feb. 13 is the timeframe for changing K-State eID passwords. This mandatory password change applies to both individual eIDs and group eIDs.
- To change your password: Use the connect.k-state.edu webpage to sign in with your eID and current password. Click “Change your eID password” and follow the steps.
- Forgot your password? Call the IT Help Desk at 785-532-7722 (800-865-6143 toll-free) and verify your identity. Staff can set a temporary password for you to sign in.
As shown above, a new feature this semester allows K-Staters to request a text-message verification to reset their eID password if they forget it or miss the deadline. Continue reading “eID password change starts Jan. 1; new feature allows password recovery via text message”