Kansas State University


IT News

Category: Services and support

IT resources available for K-State faculty and staff

by Information Technology Services

Last spring, information technology services conducted its annual satisfaction survey. After reviewing the results, there are services and tools that some faculty and staff might not know about. The short list below is a quick reminder about some tools to help with your day-to-day activities.

Qualtrics survey software at K-State K-State Survey  powered by Qualtrics is the university’s comprehensive survey tool with about 100 question types, simplified reporting tools, and more. For more information, see the Accessing Qualtrics knowledge base article.

Zoom is a full-featured video and collaborative technology which allows for video, audio, and content sharing between up to 100 participants from any device including PC, Mac, Android and iOS devices. Zoom will soon be integrated with K-State Single Sign On. Details to come. Visit the video conferencing services website to learn more about Zoom.  Continue reading “IT resources available for K-State faculty and staff”

Choose your channels for IT news from K-State

Welcome, new and returning K-Staters!  Information Technology Services (ITS) provides a variety of resources and services for free. Stay up-to-date by visiting the ITS website or using one or more of the following communication channels:

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Check out the Welcome to IT at K-State website to get a glimpse of more IT services and resources available to K-Staters. Questions about IT resources can be directed to the IT Help Desk, helpdesk@k-state.edu, 785-532-7722. You can also search the IT Knowledge base.

K-State Research and Extension information technology reorganization nearly complete

By Joe Lear

The integration of K-State Research and Extension technology staff within information technology services is almost complete.

The last step is the integration of help desk and tech support functions with the IT Help Desk and client services of the Information Technology Assistance Center. This move will begin during the week of Aug. 18. As part of the move, the support number, 785-532-6270, and email, ksresupport@k-state.edu, will be forwarded to the IT Help Desk.  Continue reading “K-State Research and Extension information technology reorganization nearly complete”

Zoom conferencing: 3.0 update available

The Zoom videoconferencing service for all K-Staters now has a 3.0 update that can be downloaded to Windows and Mac computers and mobile devices. How to download: Use the drop-down menu on your desktop app to check for updates.

Continue reading “Zoom conferencing: 3.0 update available”

Shred Day nets 7 tons of K-State paper for shredding, recycling

Document Resources truck holding boxes of paper documents to be shreddedA total of 14,840 pounds, or more than 7 tons, of paper materials were collected from K-State departments July 15 for shredding and secure disposal. This is twice the amount of materials collected for shredding during our October 2013 Shred Day event.

On the Manhattan campus, 6.06 tons of paper documents were collected. The Salina campus collected 1.33 tons, according to Tony Hoover, computer information specialist at Salina. Continue reading “Shred Day nets 7 tons of K-State paper for shredding, recycling”

Departments: Secure disposal of paper, electronic media available all year long

(Editor’s note: Weblinks in this article were updated Oct. 14, 2015.)

In addition to the university’s periodic Shred Day events, departments can securely dispose of paper and electronic media (eWaste) throughout the year.  Continue reading “Departments: Secure disposal of paper, electronic media available all year long”

iSIS update: Plan to restore access Monday, July 21

By Kenneth Stafford

iSIS remains temporarily suspended as Information Technology Services continues to work with key stakeholders to recover and restore data. iSIS is expected to be available to universitywide users on Monday morning, July 21.  Continue reading “iSIS update: Plan to restore access Monday, July 21”

K-State Shred Day is July 15; document pickup on Manhattan campus for 10+ boxes

The Information Technology Assistance Center is hosting Shred Day 8:30-10:30 am. Tuesday, July 15, on the K-State Manhattan campus (Information Systems is hosting on the Salina campus). For security reasons, those with more than 10 boxes may call iTAC at 785-532-4918 no later than 4 p.m. Monday, July 14, to request pickup.  Continue reading “K-State Shred Day is July 15; document pickup on Manhattan campus for 10+ boxes”

K-State use of ImageNow / Perceptive Content recognized for cost-savings approach

by Information Systems Office

K-State’s use of ImageNow software, now renamed Perceptive Content, was featured in a recent article on Perceptive Software’s website, “Kansas State University: a DIY approach to expansion on campus“.

K-State’s “train-the-trainer” approach has helped save funds and allows departments to focus their dollars on licensing and scanners, said Rhiannon Englert, ImageNow systems specialist in the Office of Information Systems.  Continue reading “K-State use of ImageNow / Perceptive Content recognized for cost-savings approach”

July 3 deadline to request software for computing labs and K-State InfoCommons

The deadline has been extended for faculty/staff to request software additions for the K-State InfoCommons (in Hale Library) and university computing labs in Dickens 1, Seaton 22, and the Union Copy Center. Thursday, July 3, is the deadline for software requests.  Continue reading “July 3 deadline to request software for computing labs and K-State InfoCommons”