Kansas State University


IT News

Category: Communications

Cybersecurity: It’s not all about YOU, but it’s close

Editor’s note: October is National Cyber Security Awareness Month (NCSAM). This is part of an IT security series during October to help K-Staters protect themselves, their data, and their money.


Be suspicious.
By using common sense, you can spot and stop most attacks.

You are the one. Technology alone will never be able to fully protect you. Attackers have learned that the easiest way to bypass even the most advanced security technology is by attacking YOU.

If they want your password, credit card, or personal data, the easiest thing for them to do is to trick you into giving them this information.



  • They might phone and say, “Hello, this is Microsoft tech support. Your computer is infected.” In reality, they are just cybercriminals who want you to give them access to your computer.
  • They might email and say, “Your package could not be delivered. Please click on a link to confirm your mailing address.” In reality, they want to trick you into visiting a malicious website that will hack into your computer.

This is how attacks such as Ransomware or CEO Fraud start. Ultimately, the greatest defense against attackers is you.

Excerpted with permission from the OUCH! newsletter’s “Four Steps to Staying Secure” at securingthehuman.sans.org.

KSIS Training sessions for Fall 2017 available

KSIS training dates and times are now available for fall 2017.  Instructor-led training is available for faculty, academic advisors, and staff at no charge. However, registration through HRIS is required. See Using HRIS to register for classes.

Training for staff and faculty include the following topics:

  • Advising in KSIS
  • Class Scheduler
  • Deans Office Staff
  • Grading in KSIS
  • Master Extract Reporting
  • Processing Minors in KSIS
  • Student Records for Academic Department Staff
  • Student Records for Administrative Department Office Staff

For more information about each topic and the dates and times for training, visit the KSIS Training web page. If you have any questions or need more information, please contact Fred Darkow, KSIS Training Coordinator, at fdarkow@ksu.edu or 785-532-3138.

Purchase student parking permits

As students arrive at K-State, they need to purchase a permit to park their vehicles on campus.  To purchase a parking permit for K-State lots, everyone must use the Parking Services web site.

For step by step directions on purchasing a permit, go to the article Purchase a Parking Permit.  Permits available include these parking options:

  • Visitor
  • Motorcycle
  • Garage
  • Dorm
  • Campus lots

Shuttle buses are also available.  For additional questions, visit the Parking Services web page, http://www.k-state.edu/parking/, or contact K-State Parking Services at (785) 532-7275 or parking@ksu.edu.

KSIS Training sessions for spring 2017 available

KSIS training dates and times are now available for spring 2017.  Instructor-led training is available for faculty, academic advisors, and staff at no charge. However, registration through HRIS is required. See Using HRIS to register for classes.

Training for staff and faculty include the following topics:

  • Advising in KSIS
  • Class Scheduler
  • Deans Office Staff
  • Grading in KSIS
  • Master Extract Reporting
  • Processing Minors in KSIS
  • Student Records for Academic Department Staff
  • Student Records for Administrative Department Office Staff

For more information about each topic and the dates and times for training, visit the KSIS Training web page. If you have any questions or need more information, please contact Fred Darkow, KSIS Training Coordinator, at fdarkow@ksu.edu or 785-532-3138.

Office 365 maintenance scheduled Feb. 13-14

by Information Technology ServicesMicrosoft Office apps

Information Technology Services will perform scheduled maintenance on Office 365 beginning at 10 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 13, through 10 a.m. Sunday, Feb. 14. Office 365 may not be accessible during this time period, but no email will be lost. Thank you to campus for your patience as we work to maintain our ITS systems. Continue reading “Office 365 maintenance scheduled Feb. 13-14”

KSIS Training sessions for spring 2016 available

KSIS training dates and times are now available for spring 2016.  Instructor-led training is ksis training for spring 2016available for faculty, academic advisors, and staff at no charge. However, registration through HRIS is required. See Using HRIS to register for classes.

Continue reading “KSIS Training sessions for spring 2016 available”

K-State Online: Maintenance requires re-link to Zoom

by Information Technology Services

Zoom maintenance was conducted on Wednesday, Sept. 16, to fix problems experienced by many users this semester when using Zoom videoconferencing through K-State Online. A fix was applied to the Zoom tool within K-State Online that will resolve this issue. Instructors will need to re-link Zoom in their courses.

The fix removed the current Zoom link that was in the  course navigation. Only the link was removed; no changes were made to any archived or scheduled sessions. Continue reading “K-State Online: Maintenance requires re-link to Zoom”

5 free IT resources to start your semester

by Information Technology Services

Welcome, new and returning K-Staters!  Information Technology Services (ITS) provides a variety of resources and services for free. Use these first five to kick-start your semester:Free IT resources

  1. Get a free copy of Microsoft Office for personal use on up to 5 PCs or Macs, 5 tablets, and 5 phones.  See the installation instructions for Mac, for Windows, and for mobile devices.
  2. Connect your mobile devices to K-State’s wireless network.
  3. Install free Trend Micro Antivirus software (required for all computers connecting to K-State’s network).
  4. Subscribe to the K-State IT News blog to get the latest IT happenings.  Use “Subscribe by Email” in the right sidebar.
  5. Connect with the IT Help Desk on Twitter and Facebook.

More IT resources for K-Staters are on the Welcome to IT at K-State website. Send questions to the IT Help Desk, helpdesk@k-state.edu, 785-532-7722. You can also search the IT Knowledge Base.

“Driving Change–Steering into the Future of Ed Tech” SIDLIT Conference July 30 – 31

Colleague 2 Colleague, a non-profit regional professional organization, is hosting the 16th annual Summer Institute on Distance Learning and Instructional Technology (SIDLIT) Thurs. and Fri., July 30 – 31, 2015, at Johnson County Community College in Overland Park, Kansas.

Keynote on Next-Gen LMSes


Dr. Ali Jafari, Professor of Engineering and Technology and Director of CyberLab at Indiana University, will be the 2015 keynote speaker.  He will be speaking on “Next Generation of Learning Management Systems: Social, Global, and Engaging”.

Continue reading ““Driving Change–Steering into the Future of Ed Tech” SIDLIT Conference July 30 – 31″

KSIS: Processing Minors session offered April 14

A “Processing Minors” training session is now available for K-State employees who approve minors for students who are graduating.  The training session is 10:30-11:30 a.m. Tuesday, April 14, in 9 Fairchild Hall.

Registration through HRIS is required. For more information, see the article Using HRIS to register for classes.

If you are unable to attend a session for Processing Minors, please contact Fred Darkow at 785-532-3138 or fdarkow@k-state.edu to discuss training availability.