Kansas State University


IT News

Category: Communications

Office 365 Update: Student migration continues

by Information Technology Services

Information Technology Services is making progress with the Office 365 migration. To date 14,445 accounts have been migrated to Office 365. With the successful start to the migration and the beginning of the semester behind us, we will be continuing with student migrations this week. This will include all remaining students with the exception of student employees, GRAs, GTAs and GAs who were employed or had signed contracts before August 7. In other words, if the student was on campus and didn’t have a signed contract on August 7, they will migrate. It is anticipated that the student migration will continue through September and into early October.

Preparation, planning and testing continues for the faculty and staff migration which is scheduled to begin this fall. We will be providing at least a two week notice before departments are migrated. Please keep an eye on the Office 365 project page located at www.ksu.edu/its/office365 for all of the latest information.

Top questions being answered at the IT Help Desk

Q. I can’t get on the K-State wireless network. What do I do?

Get on the KSU Guest open wireless network, then link to wireless.ksu.edu and follow the instructions.

Q. K-State’s antivirus software won’t work on my computer. What do I do?

First, did you uninstall your own antivirus software before installing K-State’s Trend Micro?  Once you have removed your antivirus, link to antivirus.ksu.edu and follow the instructions.  Continue reading “Top questions being answered at the IT Help Desk”

Seven IT resources for students

This quick spotlight gives a rundown on key IT resources that were updated and/or new services added over the summer for K-Staters.  Read this back-to-school primer on IT tools to make campus life easier.

7. eID rolling passwords — K-State transitioned from set password-change periods to individual password expirations. eID passwords now need to be changed every 180 days. This enhancement is designed to distribute the password expirations throughout the year, as opposed to the set times we had in the past.

Continue reading “Seven IT resources for students”

Are you receiving reminders about changing your eID password?

By Information Technology Services

If you are receiving a reminder to change your eID password, that means your 180-day password cycle is almost up. To keep your personal information safe, your eID password expires every 180 days. To change your password, click the “Manage password” link when you sign in to ConnectContinue reading “Are you receiving reminders about changing your eID password?”

IT Help Desk hours for fall semester 2013

The IT Help Desk, 214 Hale Library, returns to normal hours of operation on Saturday, Aug. 24, for the fall semester.  Note the extended hours Aug. 22-23, the fall schedule below, and closing for the Labor Day holiday. “All services” support includes live online help as well as phone, email, and walk-in help.  Continue reading “IT Help Desk hours for fall semester 2013”

eID passwords: Has it been 180 days already?

By Information Technology Services

Is it time to change your eID password? Most K-State students, faculty and staff need to change their passwords every 180 days. To check when your password will expire, sign in to Connect by clicking the “Sign in” button from the K-State homepage. In the eProfile section, the date to change your password appears. To change your password, click the “Manage password” link. Continue reading “eID passwords: Has it been 180 days already?”

Zoom training sessions available on campus

Information Technology Services is offering training sessions on Zoom, a high-definition video and audio conferencing tool that is available to all K-State students, faculty, and staff. Training sessions will be held for individual colleges, departments, and groups who have requested them, as well as large group sessions available for anyone to attend.  Continue reading “Zoom training sessions available on campus”

Office 365: Comparing the web-based client to the desktop client

By Information Technology Services

As K-State transitions to Office 365, there have been questions about the differences in the web-based Outlook Web App versus the Outlook desktop client. The differences between the two are diminishing over time. If you do not share your calendar or email folders with anyone, the Outlook Web App will fit your needs. If you share email folders, share your calendar with others for them to manage, or manage others’ calendars, you should use the Outlook desktop client.  Continue reading “Office 365: Comparing the web-based client to the desktop client”

July IT happenings include email cleanup, Office 365 testing, Zoom videoconferencing

Email cleanup of Zimbra inboxes should be foremost on every K-Stater’s to-do list, with the impending transition from Zimbra to Office 365.  For tips and how-to, see: Office 365: Information for cleaning out your Zimbra mail.

Office 365 email testing and support is under way for K-State’s upcoming move away from Zimbra central email and calendaring.  Stay tuned this month for important notices that will affect all K-Staters.  Continue reading “July IT happenings include email cleanup, Office 365 testing, Zoom videoconferencing”